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Artist painting. A Mendoza



Throughout his career AGD Mendoza painted in many styles which is why we have divided this section of the website into styles/categories.  The categories are: 'Classic, Modern, Sacred, Watercolors and Drawings'.


As you will see in many paintings Mendoza was fascinated with the structure and definition of the human body and the strong message that a pose or facial expression can convey.


Various paintings on this site are amateur photos and/or photocopies of paintings that have been sold.  The better photos are scans of paintings owned by the Estate.  Unfortunately, we do not have records of buyers to enable us to request proper photos to post on this website.


Most of the photos we have are in black and white, are somewhat blurred and shot at odd angles.  We have posted them regardless as it will give you a glimpse of Mendoza's other paintings.


Please note: The AGD Mendoza Estate is always on the lookout for his works either, to purchase or to photograph/scan for our archives and website.  If you own any works by Mr. Mendoza, or know of anyone who does please contact The AGD Mendoza Estate at:


Mr. Mendoza signed his works in two different styles:

“AGD Mendoza” and “Mendoza”.


Note: Not all AGDM Estate owned artworks are shown on this website.


Please use the ART drop-down menu to navigate through the various art sections.


Thank you

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