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AGD Mendoza; Self-Portrait



Aurelio García Domínguez Mendoza (Mendoza) (b.1901, Guadalajara)


Architect, Artist, Designer, Scenographer, and Writer.  Mendoza was a multi-talented creative person who discovered his love of art at a young age.  His natural ability to draw lead him to a long and varied career in the arts.  Below is a short bullet point biography.


1901 - 1930
- Born on September 25, 1901

- At 17 years learns to paint scenery with the Tarazona Brothers, masters of painting from Valencia, Spain.
- Works at various studios and theatres.

- Marries Rosario Bonachea.

- Son Alex born.


- Enters the academy of
*San Carlos in Mexico City.

- Opens his own studio.

- Becomes a scenographer.
- Designs sets for theatre, ballet, and opera companies including the Palace of Fine Arts.

- Daughter Walki born.
- Designs parade floats and commercial art.

- Son Brunik born.

- Becomes an architect.

- Begins the ‘Conversion to Christianity’ painting.


- As a draftsman Mendoza collaborates with architects and building engineers on major projects.
- Becomes the General Director and Artistic Designer of the Metropolitan Theatre in Mexico City. 

- As an established architect designs and builds the chain of ‘Plaza Theatre’ cinemas.

- Designs commercial buildings and private residences, including for ex-presidents and the Kessel mansion.

- Devotes more time to painting.



- Wife Rosario Bonachea Mendoza passes.

- Paints 'Driftwood Still Life' and other important paintings.

- Continues working as an architect.
- Marries Maria Mendoza and has 3 children: daughters: Pilar and Cecilia and son Aurelio Jr.


1960 - 1970's

- Begins studies for the: 'San Diego Mission' and ‘Junipero Serra’ paintings.

- Mendoza is commissioned by a well-known Art Gallery in Arizona to paint a series of 'Plein Air' oil paintings.

  This style of painting was one that Mendoza rarely painted but discovered that painting in the desert was

  inspiring and therapeutic.

- Moves to Pasadena, California, completes the San Diego Mission and Junipero Serra paintings which  

  he joins with Conversion to Christianity to make a Trilogy. The connection between these paintings being:

  "Spreading the Christian faith throughout the New World from the Age of Discovery to the 19th Century".

- Begins his modern series of paintings emphasizing individual experimentation.

- Changes Signature style.


- Travels throughout Europe, continues to paint.
- Completes his play about Aztec mythology titled: ‘Yayax can’.
- At 82 years Mendoza is commissioned to design and build “La Ofrenda”.


- Continues to paint and travel.
- Passes away in Pasadena, California on June 24, 1996.





*The Academy of San Carlos was the first major art academy and the first art museum in the Americas.  It was initially founded in 1781 under the name of the School of Engraving and was originally sponsored by the Spanish Crown.


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