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Painting of Jesus with peace dove

Sacred Art


Mendoza was always fascinated with scared art and the strong emotional feelings they provoke.


His best known scared art painting is the ‘Conversion to Christianity’ (of the Aztec people).

It is a painting that he worked his entire life on completing (it is unknown if Mendoza ever finished the painting to his satisfaction).  What we can share with you is that through the years some changes were made to this painting.


The most notable change:  The background once had ‘Mountains’ which Mendoza replaced with ‘Sky and Clouds’ to make it less busy and to allow the perspective and subjects draw the viewer into the actual ceremony. The Indian peeking at you (to the right of Jesus's leg) and baby reaching/calling for you pulls you into the painting making you feel that you are [there] participating in the ceremony.


Scared art depicting the Conversion to Christianity of the Aztec people.

‘The Conversion to Christianity’

Oil on canvas.  48" x 96"  122cm x 244cm.

Please click images to view in full size.

Fine art painting of 'The Light' by A. Mendoza

This untitled painting is behind glass (see reflection) it is from the same series as the other similar untitled painting (in this section) and 'Petroleum' (in the 'Classic Art' section).  Please click to see all three side by side in what we call: Petroleum Series.  

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